With a new deviated look.
Published on July 12, 2008 By Snowman In WinCustomize News

Our friends over at dA have busted their behinds to make yet another version of their great site.
Countless hours/days/weeks/months have gone into makeing the site even more convenient to use, and I know alot of us do check the site more or less every day.
I know, I do.
Listing all the changes would be pure madness and probably fill most of the frontpage, so you'll just have to go see for yourselves


Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 14, 2008
For people who aren't logged in, they can't see anything marked as mature content (that's how it's supposed to work). And I totally agree, nothing from the *nude galleries should be displayed on the front page, newest or not. I don't want to see it unless I specifically go looking for it.
on Jul 14, 2008
I shudder to think how many underage children have opened DA to see some guys chopper as a Daily Dev.


Well, it's not really mine... it's some other guy's, but it's pretty cool.
on Jul 14, 2008
on Jul 14, 2008
You two should get some sleep..   
on Jul 14, 2008

Had to copy the link, open a new tab, and manually insert it....clicking on the link = fail.
on Jul 14, 2008
I guess *I* could use some sleep... only slept about 4 hours last night but I'm kinda used to it. Then again it'd be kinda weird going for a nap while I'm at work at 3pm. My boss might not appreciate it. Go figure.

Anyways, I like the new Message Centre on DA. Found it much easier to work with.
on Jul 14, 2008

anyone else find themselves missing jark?


Devart is an art site....and depicting the human form, clad or not is an artform.

The only valid 'screening' should be a header page warning prospective browsers/visitors that 'this site contains nudity'.

Other than that censorship/restriction of content should only be about inherent legal boundaries [eg. unlawful depiction of child nudity, etc].

Anyone with a history of Fine Art education, etc. should not have a problem with nudity.....

First nude I ever drew [life drawing] was 36 years ago. [yes, we had them then, too]...

on Jul 14, 2008
Anyone with in history of Fine Art education, etc. should not have a problem with nudity.....

I have no problem with tasteful artistic nudes (=Pelicanh has a nice gallery of these)...but the myspace-style "hey look at my hoo-ha" is just wrong and tacky on so many levels.
on Jul 14, 2008

Devart is an art site....and depicting the human form, clad or not is an artform.

The only valid 'screening' should be a header page warning prospective browsers/visitors that 'this site contains nudity'.

Other than that censorship/restriction of content should only be about inherent legal boundaries [eg. unlawful depiction of child nudity, etc].

Anyone with a history of Fine Art education, etc. should not have a problem with nudity.....

First nude I ever drew [life drawing] was 36 years ago. [yes, we had them then, too]...

You've never seen any questionable deviations on DA, Jafo?

I've come across *many* since I first joined in 2001 and I'm all for nudity in art (I've done life drawing myself) but (here's the age-old question) where's the line between art and porn?
on Jul 14, 2008

You've never seen any questionable deviations on DA, Jafo?

I've come across *many* since I first joined in 2001 and I'm all for nudity in art (I've done life drawing myself) but (here's the age-old question) where's the line between art and porn?

Oh yes....I made a particular point with one's removal too....crossed the 'iffy' lines of 'child-exploitation'.....the same issue currently a hot topic in Oz, lately....

on Jul 14, 2008

Bebi.....'tasteful' [or not] is an opinion.

Artistic expression is often more 'confrontational' than 'cute'.  It's the nature of the beast....

Warning up-front that it's an ART site 'should be enough'....

on Jul 14, 2008

Fullfrontalational is more like it over there.

Warning up-front that it's an ART site 'should be enough'

Maxstyles is an art site.. we dont pose naked for the world to be exposed to on it though.

You can't expect every underage person to be as wiley and knowledgable as us...just doesn't stand to reason.

That was my point... it is inexcusable as far as I am concerned. There is no logical excuse.

on Jul 14, 2008
unless you are logged in, images flagged as adult content won't appear, and even if you are logged in you need to have a certain check box marked.

that takes care of DD's and "popular", but not "newest"

i'd imagine most people's problems with nudity on dA comes from when the author doesn't check the box for "adult content" and it shows up in the "newest" channel, but there's surely a lot of viewers that say "hells yeah lets see that nudity, i don't want my dA censored", but there's no one to remind them "be careful what you wish for". lol

as far as kids go though, there are parental controls. yet sure, the kid can make their own account to bypass the security, but they can also click on that domain bar and go to a site that's really "neat". you can't save people from themselves, and dA does have standards by which they allow nudity. they are more concerned with "is it sexual", "is it pornographic" rather than is it just "graphic".

you'll still have crotch shot terrorists looking for thrills by shock factor come by time to time, but that could happen here just the same if one of our journeymen felt so inclined to give us a farewell to remember, or someone went on our forums and made a thread called "hey look at this, it's funny". though correct me if i'm wrong, while it might be rare as hell, there is nudity on wincustomize as well is there not?

nothing will ever be perfect or make everyone happy, but considering dA has no intention of telling people "your art isn't good enough" and since they believe "art needs no working value, practicality, or quality standards set by individuals in order to enjoy or appreciate it", and that dA is truly an art for art's sake community, it's quite different than maxstyles, wincustomize, or any other applied arts.

you can call anything art, but the sole definition of art, the only thing necessary for anything to be art is merely in its creator's "intention". whether people see their dentists as being artists, or see nudity as not being artistic is entirely beyond the point.

a toilet can be a piece of art, but that doesn't make all other toilets in the world art as well, and that is the point. it's not the subject matter, or the appeal others find in something that validates it.

personally i have no care to see dA carefully scrutinized each submission piece by piece, or exercise fig leaf protocol, and thankfully neither do they.
on Jul 14, 2008

horizon got it in 'one'.


We digress.

The debate re art and censorship is probably better as a thread on its own.  This one is about the features/functions of DA v6 ....

on Jul 14, 2008
While that is a good post with pertinent points horizon, I don't feel swayed.
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